Norsodyne Clear casting resin O12335 is a Polyester based water clear casting resin, ideally suited for larger casting up to 500 grams.
1820 Can be used for a number of applications, to produce a water clear cast.
- Potting
- Embedding
- Paperweights
- Decorative items
- Water effects
- Giftware
Pack sizes & prices –
1 kg packs £14.50 each
5 kg packs £49.00 each
25 kg kegs / Price on application – Please contact us directly on 01420 86934Please refer to the technical sheets for the full mechanical properties & mixing instructions
(This material contains Styrene) uses liquid catalyst MEKP at 1-2%, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets for all of your requires on using these materials. -
Glass FX special effect material:
Application – (Sugar Glass) The manufacturer of breakaway objects for the Film and TV industries.
Supplied in 20 kg boxes£Price on application
Doming resins — Please ref to the ( Cytec page )
Price on Application
Jelly Wax (Meltable) Water clear ( SPFX )
Price on Application
RTV A400 A/B — Translucent two part Silicone rubber (Approx.: 40 Shore A) Material use a lot in Prototyping, offers very low shrinkage and good mouldlife. —
Supplied in 1.1 kg kits / 5.5 kg kits / 22 kg kits
- 1.1 kg kits £36.00 each
- 5.5 kg kits £135.85 each
- 22 kg kits price on application
RTV C204/81b — two part Poly-condensation cure Silicone (Approx.: 12 Shore A) Translucent Silicone for rubber parts/ Skin effects for Film/TV. Material can be modified by added a third part liquid to make brushable. A range of Silicone pigments can be offered, please see Pigments —
Supplied in 1.05 kg kits / 5.25 kg kits / 21 kg kits.
- 1 kg kits £28.00 each
- 5.25 kg kits £97.65 each
- 21 kg Price on application
Rubber Glass sheets
- Approx.: 50cm x 40cm x 4mm
- Supplied per sheet £40.00 each
RTV 185 water clear two part Poly-condensation cure Silicone — Materials are packed as 6kg kits and are used by SPFX companies for film props/ RUBBER GLASS etc. The system offers a very low viscosity and is supplied as a two part mix. Supplied and packed into 6 kg kits. Materials can be offered as Cure sheets. (See Rubber Glass sheets )
- 6 kg kits / £150.00 each
- 25 kg kegs can be supplied / Price on Application
Polyurethane Clear casting resin (PU Glass MR) Two component PU system (colourless) Very good UV resistance. Foe applications such as Clear or coloured models, Prototyping). — Supplied in 1.650 gram kits £49.50. Larger kits can be offered please phone for advice.
- 1.650 kg kits A/B / £56.10 each
- 8.250 kg kits A/B — £264.00 each
- 25 kg kegs A/B — Price on Application